A Bookworm Confessions

Hello there !I'm Jo and I'm a kindle hoarder,aha!

Anyway, I'm a passionate reader and always looking forward for the next book read. :D



Miracle Lane - Edie Ramer 2.5 stars ~review to come
Webmaster (Voluntary Eradicators, #2) - Nenia Campbell Do I NEED this book?Come to me book...pretty please?
Through a Glass, Darkly - Nenia Campbell Is Nenia writing a new book?Automatic add to my TBR pile ^^Now,in another note, why would someone rate 1 star a book that isn't even published ?I don't get it :X

Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)

Dead Sexy Dragon - Lolita Lopez **review to come
All Our Pretty Songs - ** DNF ** I got to admit that at first I though the prose of the book was just poetic and lovely! An don't let me start on the cover, I was instantly drawn by it! *so pretty*I ended up building high expectations of it, the story and the prose sounded unique. BUT the longer I kept reading, the less I kept interested in it.For me it was just one of those cases that a sneak peek would leave me contempt but a full length novel, was excruciating!!Sadly, it was just not the book for me!*ARC kindly provided via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review *
The Mac Gregors: Serena And Caine - Nora Roberts This one, was actually the first book I ever read of Nora Roberts! Of course, every time I go to the bookstore there are tons of books from her so I finally decided to take the leap,aha.So this one, we have two book in one : Playing the odds and Tempting Fate .Both are enjoyable reads and were perfect for a read in the beach. :D
Terrorscape (Horrorscape, #3) - Nenia Campbell 5 "What the f*ck is going on" stars Once upon a time, there was a naive and innocent girl who thought she could tame the beast and live happily ever after. But the beast did not want to be tamed, for he was a beast and beasts care not for such things, and the girl died along with her dreams. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. To Gavin,Val had done the unthinkable...she had managed to escape twice from his plans for her. His careful designed plans.She dared to defy him and now she will pay the consequences.And in this new game, the stakes have never been higher...Val is starting a new life, at a college from far way from home she could get. She changed her name, her appearance and she cut the ties she had with the few people in her life. Still she can never feel safe again, Gavin had made sure of that. She is a shell of the girl she once was. She doesn't live, she exists. It wasn't that she was sad - sadness had very little to do with it, really, considering that most of the time she felt close to nothing at all. Feeling required nerves, connections, sensory input. The only thing she felt was numb. And tired. And when she thinks she can try to have a new life, she receives an unexpected note from an old friend. It was Lisa's handwriting but not her words... Are You frightened? And a new game begins... *******What to say about this series?Well I find myself repeating the same words over and over or simply do not have words to fully describe it!It's DARK, DISTURBING, TWISTED, INTENSE and just TERRIFIC!If you've seen my updates, you can clearly see how my emotions where all over the place. I devoured each chapter and got scared sh*tless by it.I can say that this story will get a hold on you, wrap you in it's intensity and leave you completely enthralled by it.My most common thought through this book?Oh and of course...Gavin messed with MY MIND big time,folks!!Seriously, he have got to be one of the scariest characters I ever read about! He is one SICK F*CKING PSYCHO!! No way around it really!Those first chapters in his POV "killed" any sort of fascination I still have of him. He crossed every unthinkable line.And those chapters? Gave me the CHILLS!!Gavin doesn't take any regard for human life. He is a predator seeking for his prey. And he is the most dangerous type, he can allure with his charm, his cunning, his looks....and when you realize what he wishes it's too late.And Val?It's really hard to figure her out! We can see how broken she is because of him but it seems that in some level, he have a hold in her.I mean, it's messed up the harass she suffered from everyone else (I'm not even talking about Gavin), women calling her slut, whore, men calling her saying they would do the same. People saying for her to kill herself!!! How is the victim the culprit? Even one of her friends "say" it was all her fault, She should turn herself to him! SERIOUSLY? Is it ok, to rationalize everything, and pinpoint the source of his insanity his obsession with her?Anyway, if I thought the previous books were DARK this one is millions of times DARKER. And INTENSE!I lost the times I yelled at my kindle, or stare at it blankly chanting "OMFG! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" ,"PLEASE, IT CAN'T BE TRUE" or my personal favorite " YOU'RE A SICK SICK BASTARD!!"! The amount of people he killed!! *shuddersFirst when it was clear he was going to find red-heads to have fun with. And then when he killed Blake T.TNo one stood a chance with Gavin, and I just wanted to kill him slowly for that *let's not analyze to closely my bloodthirst * And that ending????Bravo Miss Campbell! Bravo for an AMAZING series!
Horrorscape (Horrorscape, #2) - Nenia Campbell 4.5 "You've been mindf*cked" stars It's been 3 years since the events of Fearscape. Val have tried to move on with her life but she is not the same girl she was. She isn't on the track team anymore ,she goes to therapy and it's constantly trying to chase the shadows away.She thinks she will never be safe again, that someday, when she least expects it, he will chase her.She is used, to name-calling and people leaving threatening letters or try to mess up with her.Until she receives a card, inviting her to a game... I want to play with you.I want to play suicide chess with you. You with your pawns, and me with mine. Together, we will level the playing field. And do you know what else? I know you'll do it. With some turns of events, Val, Lisa, James and Blake are all invited to a party. A theme party hosted by the mysterious and fascinating GM.They're not the only guests, the other 3 are hostile and with an hidden agenda.While the night unravels, several games are played and intentions are revealed. Lives will be at risk, predators will try to hunt their prey...The clock is ticking...until it's Checkmate . ******** The villains were always ugly in books and movies. Necessarily so, it seemed. Because if they were attractive - if their looks matched their charm and their cunning - they wouldn't only be dangerous.They would be irresistible. It's haunting how true this statement is! And of course applies perfectly to Gavin.I'm still at a loss of words to describe him. I caught myself fascinated and creeped out by him. Oh I wanted to slap myself, every time I felt caught in his web. We can clearly feel and understand the hold he has on Val, the effect he has on her and of course, how much she is afraid of him.Seriously, Gavin have got to be one of the most disturbing MC I ever read ... I said it before but it's like being terrified of him and strangely fascinated by him. We're attracted to him like a moth to a flame! Oh You'll want to punch him, maim him and so on BUT there would be times that you'll wonder several "what if's". She was his. If not in body, heart, or soul, then in mind, at least. And soon, the rest would follow. But yeah, overall what to say about him? And his games?It's a bit like an invitation...Now, I won't spoil anything , which is hard to praise the book and not revealing anything but I leave some reactions from 75% of the book to the end... I didn't think he would cross the line and take lives. And how easily it was for him...Yep, he is a sick bastard!I saw many differences between this book and the first one. This we didn't just get inside Val's mind but also in the mind of the other players. Making it all even more complex, we didn't just needed to predict what would happen to the black king and the white queen but now also the pawns,and theirs unpredictable moves.The whole vibe of the story is just disturbing, mysterious, creepy and overall amazing! Totally the stuff for future nightmares,ahah.It's just so psychological intense and your emotions will be all over the place. Oh yes, I was the puppet and Miss Campbell the awesome puppeteer. This series so need a stamp like " You'll be mindf*cked and love every second of it"!It's just...Now off to Terrorscape *insert evil laughFor this one and more reviews go to: A Bookworm Confessions
Fearscape (Horrorscape, #1) - Nenia Campbell Valerian Kimble, our heroine, seems our everyday 14 years old. She is part of the track team and many times she feels unnoticed, if she isn't in her uniform. But when she is running, it's exhilarating! And she is good at it.But lately she feels like she is being watched, scrutinized...like someone is hiding in the shadows.When she founds in her locker a rose with a note, she is now certain that she have a stalker. Someone set on own her, make her his possession.In all of this, she meets Gavin, a senior in her high school. A loner, a person most people stay away from. But she can't helped but feel drawn to him. And it seems he is interested in her too. He didn't seem crazy,though.Weird,yes.Interesting,yes.Dangerous, definitely.Crazy,no. While the notes and threats of the stalker continues to haunt her and frighten her , she keeps wondering about her complex attraction to Gavin. The more she knows about him, the more she wonders his intentions and if he can be the one is tormenting her.The walls are closing in and the game so close to check mate ... You can't escape from me, Valerian. I want you - and very soon I intend to catch you. To make you mine. Forever. *************What to say about this book?Yes, this story is DARK, DISTURBING, CREEPY AND BRILLIANT! An emotion MINDF*CK!I loved the whole vibe of the book...the atmosphere of the novel is haunting...it sucks you in and while the intensity increases, you can't just stop reading it! It's definitely a turn pager. It actually remind me a lot of Gothic novels, that feel to it, the mystery, the danger and how the heroine keeps get caught in that web.And the stalker? Phantom of the Opera came to my mind ;)Besides the story, I got to say that I fall in love with the writing! It's soooooo GOOD! It's poetic, it's intense, it's disturbing (yep, I'm talking about the journal)and it's terrific.I caught myself fascinated by Gavin I wanted to slap myself because I new he was the damn stalker ,like a moth to a flame. I think we want to believe in the whole tortured soul that can be saved but he clearly is one of the most psycho character I ever read about! *shiver* That ending? *shivers again* Now I can't wait to read Horrorscape!!For this one and more reviews go to: A Bookworm Confessions
Catching Liam - Sophia Bleu Jillian don't do relationships. She is an expert on the catch and release game.Oh yes, she catch a boy and set him free the next morning... win-win situation,right?Now that her best friends are settled down, she is playing it solo. Until she catches Liam, and realizes it's so much more she had bargain for.Imagine a Scottish hunk, naked in the kitchen making you waffles?A fun, loving and drop-dead-gorgeous hunk... " I have a high proficiency in moan-inducing," Liam said without missing a beat. Jess's eyes grew wide, and I swatted her across the back," Don't choke.""That's what she said," they both teased on cue. Anyway, Liam is set on taking down her walls and Jillian is set on stopping him. She have secrets of her own.But now the question is, who is catching who? *****I got to say that this one was quite a refreshing NA story. It was the turn for the girl to be a manizer (is that a word?), to be the one that stayed away for commitment. Of course there is a lot to say about why she did it, why she had the need to not let anyone in. And I totally get it! She have a on-early set of Parkinson disease. So between coping herself with the disease and her mother behavior towards her, she doesn't think it's possible for anyone to love her and stick around when they found out. But Liam...Am I that predictable? haha, I blame it all in the accent!Anyway, I loved how grounded he was, how he tried to wooed her and break her walls. Besides the sexual tension between them, it was great to just see them, enjoy each other company, to really know each other.Oh and this 2 together? Just HOT!And the love? *sigh "I don't do relationships," I said slowly, trying to get the words right."If anyone fucks this up, it's going to be me.""That's the nice thing about relationships," Liam said. "What?""There's two people involved. If you fuck up, I'll be around to help you back on your feet." So, the book have a lot of fun and light moments but it's also so emotional. I just loved it ♥ I didn't need to be certain of anything more than I was of this. Of him and I. Of us. Love, as it turned out, was liberating. The one thing I ran from turned out to be what finally set me free. For this one and more reviews go to: A Bookworm Confessions *copy kindly provided by the author in exchange of an honest review

Out from Under You (Smart Girls Finish First #1)

Out from Under You (Smart Girls Finish First #1) - Sophie Swift **5 BIG and consuming stars ** Love is an earthquake. It comes when you least expect it. It shakes your foundation to the core. It rips the ground clear away. Right out from under you. Lia have loved Grayson, from the first moment she met him at the age of 14 years old.And she was there in the moment where Grayson met and fell in love, with her older sister Alex. Her perfect, beautiful, daring sister.She was dare to witness they're turmoil relationship, trying to hide her feelings, trying to hide her longing. It's true Grayson was never mine to lose. And yet, somehow I lost him every single day of my life. I lost the "hope" of him. Every time his lips crushed against hers in the hallway of our high school. Every time I heard the moans of their teenage experimentation in the bedroom next to mine. Every time he promised to never leave her. It was like having to reread the same sad ending to a disappointing book over and over again. When they broke up 4 years later, Lia thinks, that at least she doesn't have to see them together anymore. She doesn't have to witness, the love of her life , in love with her selfish sister.Now 8 years since she first lay eyes on him, and 4 years since she last saw him...he is her restaurant, the one she is trying to save since her mother left. The word destiny flits through my mind as I feel that small surge of hope start to dry my throat. If this were a movie, it would make perfect sense. My long-time secret crush comes fatefully waltzing back into my life to sweep me off my feet and confess that it's been me all along. Of course, if this were a movie, the first words out of my mouth wouldn't be 'What the fuck are you doing here?' But they are. Because it's me. And the sad thing is, Grayson isn't there for her. He is there, with Alex, to announce their engagement.And Lia's feeling come all rushing in...near him, she still feels the awkward 14 year's old with the biggest crush on him.But does Grayson sees her the same way?*****Oh you guys, SO MUCH ANGST!!!!I was in angst heaven! I admit, this stories are so my cuppa of tea!What is more angsty than an unrequited love? To witness the love of your life fall in love to someone else? To see how his eyes light up for her, to see them kiss and whisper promises, to hear they're passionate moments? To be always in the background?And one of the unique things in this story is that it's told in a dual POV...even increasing the angst level if that was possible.Now, this story does have cheating but I admit I couldn't care less. Because, you get who I was rooting for,right? ;)I love Lia. She is strong, funny and just a good person.The thing about her, is she lets her sister make her feel insecure. Oh yes, she have sister issues! And I don't blame her, I didn't like Alex at all.Grayson...well, I was more torn up of what to think of him. I loved him and I wanted to punch him several times...okay, maybe more like slaps, to not bruise is handsome face.But this 2 together?HOLLY BATMAN!!!The scenes are scorching, are just to damn inflammable. To try to describe sex with Lia is like trying to describe air. Water.Fire. You breathe it. You drink it. It burns you.But above all, the story is about to be brave to seek our dreams and what will make us happy. Is to discover ourselves and open our eyes to what's really worthy in life!So yeah, I LOVED THIS BOOK!I started reading last night and ended up reading the whole things!!For this one and more reviews go to: A Bookworm Confessions *copy kindly given by the author in exchange of an honest review! THANK YOU
Cloak and Dagger (The IMA, #1) - Nenia Campbell It's coming an Epic Buddy read with Vilda!!! Next weekend is going to be awesome!!Who else wants to join us? xx
For I Have Sinned (Charley Davidson, #3.5) - Darynda Jones ~review to come
Clementine - R. Jean Wilson ~review to come**copy kindly provided by the author in exchange of an honest review

Club Shadowlands (Masters of the Shadowlands, #1)

Club Shadowlands (Masters of the Shadowlands, #1) - Cherise Sinclair 3.5 stars
Vampire Mine (Alpha and Omega, #3) - Aline Hunter 3.5 stars **review to come

Currently reading

Dark Places
Gillian Flynn
Progress: 12/539 pages
Locked and Loaded
Nenia Campbell
Progress: 60 %
Taste (Ava Delaney, #5)
Claire Farrell